See It, Manage It

When marketing and branding sites like Springwise write about “visualizing energy use”, I feel like we’re making progress:

Though by no means ubiquitous, household energy monitors have been around for some time. A few new entries into the space, however, add a splash of colour and style to make understanding energy consumption more intuitive.

Wattson, first of all, is a sleek, aesthetically pleasing device that shows homeowners through both numbers and colours how much energy they are using in their home…

The Home Joule, meanwhile, resembles a nightlight and plugs into any outlet in a home. The device displays not just energy usage, broadcast wirelessly by the consumer’s energy meter, but also the real-time cost of energy, which comes wirelessly from the energy company…

At a time when nukes are back on the table its critical that we look beyond more energy to simply using the infrastructure we have more efficiently. (See Nega Watt Power and the Apollo Alliance). A ridiculous amount of energy is wasted in so many ways every day. Letsfix the problem before creating new ‘solutions’. Share your solutions…