Apple Aims to “reinvent the biology textbook”

For 20+ years we’ve been talking about the role of computers in transforming education. Today’s iBooks announcement is another step in the right direction, especially when Apple launches with a biology book! Schiller was particularly excited about announcing a partnership with the E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Foundation, saying they aim to “reinvent the biology textbook”.The first […]

Post #100

And now for something different: to celebrate reaching 100 posts over these past few months I’ll share the following letter from a friend downunder… Hello David in the USA Thankyou for your congratulations. Eighty years old – bypass surgery twelve years ago and exercises at the Synergy gymnasium. that’s my answer to ageing and I […]

Shift Happens – Australia Offers Apology to Aborigines

While ‘environmentalism’ focused mostly on the natural environment of our planet, being ‘green’ places equal importance on people. So as an Australian I was pleased to read today’s news that our newly elected government offered a formal apology to to indigenous people for past treatment: AP: CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — Aborigines organized breakfast barbecues in […]