Do You Know How Much Water You Really Use?

Enter the H2O Calculator at, a project of ICCR, GRACE, Food & Water Watch, and the Johns Hopkins University Center for a Livable Future. “Water scarcity is a growing problem throughout the US and abroad, and it is crucial that individuals and communities make efforts to conserve and protect this precious resource. H2O conserve […]

Zerofootprint Gets Calculated About Climate Change

“It’s hard to tell, at first glance, whether Zerofootprint is a serious business or a feel-good environmental action group. The answer, easily discovered before long, is that it is likely both…the company as two separate entities: A non-profit umbrella group, the Zerofootprint Foundation, and separate for-profit arms that handle building out the calculator for cities […]

Two Degrees of Separation

Treehugger looks into the people behind the ‘non-partisan’ Stats.Org finding it to be “…a front designed to confuse the public about science, operated by an extremist conservative think tank.” Sourcewatch by the Center for Media and Democracy is a great resource if you want to do a ‘connecting the dots’ excercise of your own.

New Eco-Patent Commons Aims to Open Source Cleantech

A new initiative spearheaded by IBM, Nokia, Pitney Bowes and Sony will give companies a way to “donate” patents relating to cleantech or environmental science for use by entrepreneurs, governments and researchers, starting with a seed fund of some 30 patents shared by the four companies….