Trains vs Planes in Spain

The Guardian and Treehugger report on a new high-speed link between Madrid and Barcelona. The Ave covers the 410 miles between Madrid and Barcelona in just 2 hours and 35 minutes. From The Guardian: The aim is to have 10,000km (6,200 miles) of high-speed track in Spain by 2020, meaning that 90% of the population […]

More on Saatchi S

Some more on Saatchi’s acquisition of Act Now: PUBLICIS GROUPE ACQUIRES ACT NOW, TOP SUSTAINABILITY CONSULTANCY • Act Now to Become Saatchi & Saatchi S, part of Saatchi & Saatchi Worldwide • Move Strengthens Publicis Groupe in Sustainability Communications Adam Werbach, CEO of Saatchi & Saatchi S said in a release yesterday: “Saatchi & Saatchi […]

Negawatt Power

While solar, wind and biofuels have had plenty of attention, the unsung superhero of clean energy is Negawatts – a term coined by Amory Lovins in a 1989 Green Energy Conference. Two decades later, with a growing corporate interest in efficiency programs, energy efficiency may be this year’s hot trend in cleantech M&A & IPOs. […]

Plastic Bag Bans

  Oakland is set to follow San Francisco’s ban on plastic bags at retail stores grossing more than $1m. But surprise, surprise (not!) the plastic bag industry is cranky, filing suit over the measure. Countless plastic bags end up in our ocean, harming marine wildlife. Even China, a country that reportedly uses 3 billion plastic […]

Full Frontal Scrutiny

Moving the green agenda forward is difficult enough without misinformation clouding issues. Fortunately there are organizations like Consumer Reports WebWatch and the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD). Full Frontal Scrutiny is a new joint project between these two organizations that aims to shine a light on front groups — organizations that state a particular […]