Category Archives: Greenr
CleanTech Gets $500 million Boost from Kleiner Perkins
Open Source Sustainability
Acquaintance Ben de Vries forwarded me this email: Global Villagers, Last week we spoke at the University of Missouri, Columbia, about the Global Village Construction Set: Open Source Engineering for Sustainable Living. I focused on the construction of economies that utilize local resources. I proposed the route of open source, flexible fabrication – applied to […]
Wisdom from the Wild
Fortune’s David Kirkpatrick interviews the always-brilliant Jane Benyus, the woman who coined the phrase “Biomimicry” and who continues to inspire a generation with wisdom from the wild. See also CNN post. Photo credit: TED.
EcoCity Wrapup
This closing slide says it all!
San Jose Home Show Gets Greener
It was a relatively small event in downtown San Jose, but still a number of green products on show, and a great daily one hour introduction to green building and remodeling by Joshua Foss of Thrive Design Studio – check out his blog that goes by the name “Metro Hippie“.
EcoCity World Summit
Dang! Two important events crossing over. Web2.0 Expo and EcoCity World Summit. I recommend the later if you can make it – runs through Saturday in San Francisco. A Green City is an ecologically healthy city. No such city presently exists. .. …Instead of trying to improve an unhealthy automobile and oil based infrastructure, this […]
Home Comfort Zones
Builders are a fairly skeptical bunch when it comes to new fangled devices, but my (green) builder was nodding in agreement as Cleeve presented his solution. Its not inexpensive, but when you add up the energy savings plus the increased comfort…seems like a smart choice. Check it out at Home Comfort Zones.
New Wave Monitoring
Wind in the City
Cnet reports that San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom recently toured the ‘Sunset Idea House’, talked with some “green” bloggers, and announced a “strike force” of business and government leaders to discuss ways of encouraging more homeowners to install wind turbines. Video via Cnet/ZDNet… Here’s hoping they have more success than with the currently stalled Solar […]