Category Archives: Greenr
Giving Nature a Nudge to Calm Climate Change
This morning at the Biomimicry Climate Change Conference, Jay Harman (founder of PAX Scientific) announced The COMMET Project. More info to follow – this could be a critical breakthrough as the window of opportunity to create the long-term solutions is closing rapidly.
Solar Botanic’s Nanoleaf
Buildings (and more) Inspired by Nature
Making it three articles in as many months, Fortune covers the recently announced collaboration between HOK and The Biomimicry Guild: What gets people excited about biomimicry is its potential to help solve environmental problems like climate change. If we can design buildings and products to operate more like nature, which does not pollute and creates […]
ZDNet looks at new research that mimics electric eel cells to produce energy: A team of U.S. engineers has found that it’s possible to build artificial cells replicating the electrical behavior of electric eel cells. In fact, these artificial cells deliver better performance than the real ones, called electrocytes, which can generate electric potentials of […]
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Cleantech Venture Investing Continues to Grow
Headed in right direction: Cleantech today posted yet another record-breaking investment quarter globally, with smart grid, thin film and algae biofuel technologies enjoying all-times highs in financing. But observers caution that economic friction is expected to make for headwinds in the next quarter. The third quarter brought in $2.6 billion across 158 companies in North […]
What Can Architecture Learn From Nature?
The Blossoming of Biomimicry
A biomimicry update from a fellow Biomimicry Institute board member, and long-time cleantech commentator Joel Makower. Will biomimicry blossom, joining green chemistry among the burgeoning tools available to build the next generation of cleaner, greener products? It remains to be seen, of course, but biomimicry makes too much common sense to be dismissed as a […]