2009 Biomimicry Symposium

A great list of collaborators and sponsors for the 2009 Biomimicry Symposium  – mark your calendar! From : “Helen Cheng” <HCheng@sandiegozoo.org> The San Diego Zoo and the Biomimicry Institute are pleased to announce the 2009 Biomimicry Symposium in San Diego, presented by mirasol®, a display innovation by Qualcomm. The symposium will be held Oct. 1-2 […]

Holiday in the Sun

From: Ben de Vries <bendevries1968@gmail.com> Subject: Your invitation to a work party Date: Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 11:50 AM This is the invitation: WORK PARTY! March 2010 Tropical location, from Florida ~$300 round trip, passport required. If enough people get on the same plane a group rate is possible. We will be doing work on […]