Autodesk Design Night – Mother Nature: Celebrity Designer

Design Night: Mother Nature: Celebrity Designer

I attended the December Autodesk Design Night and it was blast. Mark the next one in your diary: February 7th – this time focused on Biomimicry:

They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. We say it’s a good thing nature never got around to patent protection or today’s designers might be in big trouble. Still, who better to take design inspiration from than Mother Nature? After all, you’d be a heck of a designer too if you had nearly 4 billion years of trial and error under your belt. So come to Design Night if you’re curious about biomimicry and what it means for the future of design. It’s only…um…natural.


  • World-renowned biomimicry expert Dr. Dayna Baumeister
  • Nature-inspired parlor games
  • Open bar and food
  • And much, much more. You’ll never want to leaf! (groan)