Holiday in the Sun

From: Ben de Vries <> Subject: Your invitation to a work party Date: Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 11:50 AM This is the invitation: WORK PARTY! March 2010 Tropical location, from Florida ~$300 round trip, passport required. If enough people get on the same plane a group rate is possible. We will be doing work on […]

ShopBot – Moving Beyond Squares and Circles

In the late 80s I represented Seattle based Aldus Corporation. Aldus was one of a handful of companies that fostered “desktop publishing”. A combination of software (like Aldus PageMaker), the Apple LaserWriter and the Mac (not to mention the mouse and high resolution monitors) enabled regular folks to publish high quality newsletters, magazines and books. […]

Janine Benyus and EO Wilson Share Greenbuild’s Closing Keynote

Bob Dylan’s “…for the times they are a changing…” echoed in the cavernous main hall of Boston’s Conference and Exhibition Center as two modern-day ‘rock stars’ prepared to take the stage for Greenbuild’s closing presentation. 29,752 showed up this week despite the turmoil in financial markets and thousands were inspired and learn about two critical sustainability tools. A […]