Biomimicry Taking Off

If you’re flying United this month you can read this article in print, but if not…check it out on United’s web site. The fast-growing field of biomimicry encourages innovators to look to nature-in all its wonder and weirdness-for solutions to our trickiest problems. Continued in Hemispheres Magazine…

Buy Nothing Day

Here in the USofA the buzz is all about Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Here is an alternative way to participate: Last year, everybody was talking about NothingTM, the zero-carbon must have that we all had to have. But then the fashion tide left the beach of fad and NothingTM became boring and so version […]

Biomimicry Featured in Harmony Documentary – Showing on NBC

Janine was invited to meet with Prince Charles some years ago – and clearly her message resonated. This Friday, Nov 19 NBC  will be showing “Harmony”, a documentary inspired by Prince Charles and featuring Janine talking about how biomimicry: Inspired by HRH The Prince of Wales, HARMONY captures on film in a way we’ve never […]

Self Repair Manifesto

In most cases, the “greenest” product you can buy is…NO product. But all-too-often we are thwarted in our attempts to continue a product because repairs end up costing more than replacement. invites us to sign up to their Self Repair Manifesto: via: One of the comments makes the case in just a few […]