San Diego Zoo Announces Focus on Biomimicry

I met some of the enthusiastic folks from San Diego at the Bioneers conference in October and so I’m really pleased to see their efforts moving forward:

Subject : Biomimicry and the San Diego Zoo
Date : Tue, 30 Dec 2008 15:01:00 -0800
From : “Helen Cheng” <>

Happy New Year!

Thank you for your interest in biomimicry in San Diego.  San Diego has been a hotbed of biomimicry activities in 2008, and we would like to share just a few highlights.
For an introduction biomimicry and the San Diego Zoo’s activities in this area, attached is an article from the January edition of ZooNooz.
Partnership with the City of San Diego
We are delighted to announce the San Diego Zoo’s partnership with the City of San Diego to promote biomimicry in the San Diego region.  The City of San Diego is a biotech, clean tech and high tech hub; it houses top-notch research and academic institutions; is a biodiversity hotspot; and is an ideal place to work, visit and play.  San Diego is the natural hub for biomimicry, and we look forward to building biomimicry education and services in this community.

Biomimicry Education and Awareness
The San Diego Zoo has entered into a year-long partnership with High Tech High in which students are designing biomimetic invention based on plants or animals.  The San Diego Zoo recently sponsored students from High Tech High to attend the Bioneers conference in San Rafael, CA, to learn more about how biomimicry is being applied in industry.

We offer a variety of educational programs for high school and college students at the Zoo or Wild Animal Park.  From introductory presentations to day-long interactive workshops that teach biomimicry in a hands-on way, students will learn how nature can help them in their future careers.

Corporate Retreats
The San Diego Zoo offers corporate retreats with a focus on green business practices and biomimicry.  Companies can choose modules that introduce sustainability and/or biomimicry, go on special biomimicry tours, and even participate in interactive exercises that train researchers, designers and engineers to think about problem-solving in a different way.  These retreats can be held at the Zoo or at our LEED Certified conservation research facilities.
For more information on any of our programs, please visit  You may also call or email us at the contact information listed below.
San Diego Sustainability Business Forum
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Price: $50 per person
Presented by ESI, the San Diego Natural History Museum and others
Learn how to increase green practices and profits in a day-long forum for leaders of small- and medium-sized businesses.
DESCRIPTION: Can your company’s bottom line and business practices both be green?
Fred Krupp, author of Earth: The Sequel, begins this forum with an important talk about our energy future. This second-annual sustainability forum is designed to help leaders of small- and medium-sized businesses improve their bottom line while making choices that help protect the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the natural habitats that make southern California such a desirable place to live. This day-long meeting will include panel presentations, case studies, discussions, practical break-out sessions, and fascinating information about new practices, innovations, and technologies that can make your company greener, more competitive, and more profitable. Lunch included.
For more information, visit

Thank you for your support of biomimicry and sustainability in San Diego!

Helen Cheng
Office of Conservation Finance
Zoological Society of San Diego
PO Box 120551
San Diego, CA 92112-0551
Tel: (619) 557-3927
Cel: (619) 517-3216
Jon Prange
Venture Business Office
Zoological Society of San Diego
(619) 231-1515 ext. 4587
(619) 231-0249 fax