Muddy Knees and Virtual Reality Glasses: Citizen Biomimics Saving Humanity?

Please join us on October 22nd… The Biomimicry Institute cordially invites those obsessed with the future of the planet and humanity to an evening gathering of wine, botanical drinks, and showcase of the Institute’s groundbreaking biomimicry education, design challenges and latest AskNature interface in development. This evening event will kick off The Biomimicry Institute’s “Global […]

Otter-Inspired Wetsuits

A team at MIT has figured out exactly how otter and beaver fur keeps the animals warm in cold water. Seals, whales and walruses all happily splash about in chilly ocean waters—kept warm by a thick layer of blubber. Sea otters, though just as happy zipping through cold waters, are relatively svelte in comparison. The reason? Their magnificent fur […]

NASA’s Gecko-Inspired Robots Can Climb Pretty Much Anything

Government funded research – in this case by way of NASA – can birth or give rise to the fundamental building blocks of industrial innovation. Wired covers an out of this world application for biomimicry… Adhesion-wise, space presents a couple problems. First, robots typically struggle with uneven surfaces, let alone the kind of cliffs and crags you see […]

7 Brilliant Nature-inspired Designs

More biomimicry coverage care of Greenbiz… The BIOcultivator is just one of seven nature-inspired food system innovations participating in the Biomimicry Global Design Challenge Accelerator, a program designed to help budding sustainable entrepreneurs bring their biomimicry design solutions from concept to the marketplace. Over the past year, these teams have been working to test and prototype […]

First Annual Biomimicry Global Design Challenge Pitch Event and Technology Showcase!

This week, Thursday October 20th in San Francisco This event will feature a panel of VIP judges for a fun, festive, biomimicry-themed pitch session, starring seven teams from the Biomimicry Global Design Challenge Accelerator. Don’t miss seeing nature-inspired innovation in action, as the teams showcase their food system design solutions. Enjoy heavy appetizers, a cash bar, […]