Zerofootprint Gets Calculated About Climate Change

“It’s hard to tell, at first glance, whether Zerofootprint is a serious business or a feel-good environmental action group. The answer, easily discovered before long, is that it is likely both…the company as two separate entities: A non-profit umbrella group, the Zerofootprint Foundation, and separate for-profit arms that handle building out the calculator for cities […]

New Eco-Patent Commons Aims to Open Source Cleantech

A new initiative spearheaded by IBM, Nokia, Pitney Bowes and Sony will give companies a way to “donate” patents relating to cleantech or environmental science for use by entrepreneurs, governments and researchers, starting with a seed fund of some 30 patents shared by the four companies….

Delphi Introduces Innovative Electronics Cooling Systems at CES

  “The patented technology behind these fans was developed through a license agreement with PaxIT, utilizing technology developed by PAX Scientific, Inc. This industrial design firm specializes in identifying, evaluating and replicating the flow efficiencies of nature into streamlined design geometries, a concept known as biomimicry. In the case of Delphi’s fan technology, the use […]

Tipping Point? Two Evening Events Start The Year Green

  While they typically talk bits and bytes, hardware and software, these Silicon Valley institutions have decided to start the year out with green themes: Commonwealth Club in conjunction with Computer History Museum start out the year with: IT’S EASY BEING GREEN | WEDNESDAY JANUARY 23 (sorry…no direct event link…) and Tuesday, January 29th […]